Idea in Brief

The Problem

Most companies aren’t setting themselves up to realize the full potential of AI. That’s because they focus on applying it in discrete use cases, which delivers only incremental change and requires much more effort to scale up.

The Solution

Organizations are most successful when they reimagine a core business process, journey, or function enabled by AI end to end. That allows each AI effort to build off the previous one, triggering an organic cycle of change.

How to Make It Happen

Leaders must help their organizations identify business domains where AI can make a big difference and target one or two for a complete overhaul. That will involve deploying new technology, redesigning operational processes, changing how people work together, and even fundamentally rethinking business models.

Most CEOs recognize that artificial intelligence has the potential to completely change how organizations work. They can envision a future in which, for example, retailers deliver individualized products before customers even request them—perhaps on the very same day those products are made. That scenario may sound like science fiction, but the AI that makes it possible already exists.

A version of this article appeared in the May–June 2021 issue of Harvard Business Review.